Massage Strokes for Legs and Feet

It is a good idea to start with the legs when introducing massage as it is usually a place where your baby is most used to being handled from nappy and clothes changes and so usually most receptive to this new type of touch in this area. You can then move on to massage on other parts of the body when your baby is ready.

The various strokes that will be introduced during this routine have many different benefits for your baby, and a short description of these is included as each stroke is described, both in the video and in the downloadable PDF below, that you can also use to follow along with when doing the massage with your baby.

We use the following strokes for baby's legs:

Downward stroking (Soothing, good for the circulation and skin condition)

Ankle soother (Good for the skin condition and joints)

Heel helper (soothing)

Sole strokes (Beneficial for many parts of the body as stimulating pressure points that influence different areas including many of the internal organs. Massaging the underside of the toes can also help relieve teething pain)

You may like to repeat just the leg massage with baby for a few days to get him or her used to this type of touch before adding in massage on other parts of the body.

Massage Routine for the Legs.pdf
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